The THRIVE 3.6.0. Program

TIANNA SENT THIS email back to a 24-YEAR-OLD woman who turned her down after reading about Tianna online.

Tianna’s email is in BLACK
Our comments are in RED
Click on the BLUE links for additional information

360 Pre launch strategy

May 14, 2012

Katie Nafe

The 14 Symptoms of
Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness marked by extreme changes in mood from high to low, and from low to high. Highs are periods of mania, while lows are periods of depression.

7 signs of mania
Mania can cause other symptoms as well, but seven of the key signs of this phase of bipolar disorder are:

  1. feeling overly happy or “high” for long periods of time
  2. having a decreased need for sleep
  3. talking very fast, often with racing thoughts
  4. feeling extremely restless or impulsive
  5. becoming easily distracted
  6. having overconfidence in your abilities
  7. engaging in risky behavior, such as having impulsive sex, gambling with life savings, or going on big spending sprees

7 signs of depression
Like mania, depression can cause other symptoms as well, but here are seven of the key signs of depression from bipolar disorder:

  1. feeling sad or hopeless for long periods of time
  2. withdrawing from friends and family
  3. losing interest in activities that you once enjoyed
  4. having a significant change in appetite
  5. feeling severe fatigue or lack of energy
  6. having problems with memory, concentration, and decision making
  7. thinking about or attempting suicide, or having a preoccupation with death

Bipolar I
To have bipolar I, a person must have manic episodes. In order for an event to be considered a manic episode, it must:

  • include shifts in mood or behaviors that are unlike the person’s usual behavior
  • be present most of the day, nearly every day during the episode
  • last at least one week, or be so extreme that the person needs immediate hospital care

Bipolar I and II is harder for people to see in themselves, and it’s often up to friends or loved ones to encourage someone with this type to get help

in the gym

Freshman Year 1998-1999

Written by: Tianna Madison Bartoletta

Tianna Bartoletta REVEALS the TRUTH. This document is completely FACTUAL and was written solely by Tianna.

personality disorder

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is defined as behavior characterized by self-centeredness, lack of empathy, and an exaggerated sense of self-importance.

The disorder causes significant impairments in personality in terms of functioning and is accompanied by a number of other pathological personality traits such as Pathological Lying. As with other personality disorders, this condition negatively impacts life in various areas, including social, family, and work relationships.

Some of the symptoms associated with NPD include:

  • Constant need for attention, affirmation, and praise
  • Exaggerated sense of one’s own abilities and achievements
  • Exploiting other people for personal gain
  • Feeling envious of others, or believing that others are envious of them
  • Lack of empathy for others
  • Persistent fantasies about attaining success and power
  • Preoccupation with power or success
  • Sense of entitlement and expectation of special treatment

People with narcissistic personality disorder are typically described as arrogant, conceited, self-centered, and haughty. Haughty: Blatantly and disdainfully proud. Having or showing an attitude of superiority and contempt for people or things perceived to be inferior. 


Because they imagine themselves as superior to others, they often insist on possessing items that reflect a successful lifestyle.

Despite this exaggerated self-image, they are reliant on constant praise and attention to reinforce their self-esteem. As a result, those with narcissistic personality disorder are usually overly sensitive to criticism, which is often viewed as a personal attack.


July 2015

Written by: Tianna Madison Bartoletta

I allowed people to believe I was open and happy. I was able to convince thousands of people online that I was living a fabulous life, that my posing for seductive pictures using a self-timer equipped camera in my college apartment was about self-love, not a lack of self-respect. I was able to fool the half-interested masses into believing I had a plan for my life, that I had my shit together and I had the most supportive family and friends to make all of my dreams come true. The reality is, that wasn’t my reality.”

What is Borderline
Personality Disorder?

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a mental illness . It develops during adolescence or early adulthood. It’s marked by a pattern of emotional instability, impulsive behavior, distorted self-image, and unstable relationships.

BPD manifests in many different ways, but for the purposes of diagnosis, mental health professionals group the symptoms into nine major categories. In order to be diagnosed with BPD, you must show signs of at least five of these symptoms.

WHAT ARE THE Traits of a
Pathological Liar

A Pathological Liar is a person who lies compulsively usually for no external gain or benefit and often with detrimental consequences.

Some lies seem to be told in order to make the pathological liar appear the hero, or to gain acceptance or sympathy, while there is seemingly nothing to be gained from their lies.

The 5 traits of a Pathological Liar

  1. Pathological liars are great storytellers. Their lies tend to be incredibly detailed and colorful. Even though obviously over-the-top, the pathological liar may be very convincing.

  2. Pathological liars portray themselves as the hero or victim. Along with being made the hero or victim in their stories, pathological liars tend to tell lies that seem to be geared at gaining admiration, sympathy, or acceptance by others.

  3. Pathological liars tell exaggerated lies and stories. There lies and stories fall somewhere between conscious lying and delusion. They sometimes believe their own lies. It is difficult to know how to deal with a pathological liar who may not always be conscious of their lying. Some do it so often that experts believe they may not know the difference between fact and fiction after some time.

  4. Pathological liars also tend to be natural performers. They are eloquent and know how to engage with others when speaking. They are creative and original, and quick thinkers who don’t usually show common signs of lying, such as long pauses or avoidance of eye contact.

  5. When asked questions, they may speak a lot without ever being specific or answering the question.